Please note that the Ersilia Literary Agency will not be accepting submissions throughout 2025 and the first half of 2026. We will start accepting submissions again in June 2026. Please do not send us your work outside the submission window as it will not be read. Please note that submission inquiries will not be answered either.

When submissions reopen in June 2026, please follow the guidelines below:

The Ersilia Literary Agency welcomes submissions for adult fiction (including, novels, novellas and short stories), non-fiction and children's and YA books.

The Ersilia Literary Agency is not able to represent poetry, short-story and poetry anthologies, science fiction, horror, fantasy, biography, cook books, plays, scripts and illustrated books.

Submissions should be sent by email only and should be accompanied by three separate attachments:

  • a brief synopsis of the work;

  • a covering letter including the author’s brief biography and information on any previously published work;

  • the first three or four chapters of the book in Times New Roman 12 and with double spacing.

The email subject line should include the following information:

  • “Submission/Title/Name of Writer.”

Acknowledgment of receipt of the submission will be sent by email within two working days.

The Ersilia Literary Agency endeavours to reply to all submissions by email within 8 weeks. Submissions that have not been selected within that period will be deleted. Writers are strongly advised to keep a copy of all material sent to the Ersilia Literary Agency as the agency cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to it.
